The supplier analysis process is adapted to the risk classification of the supplier's country based on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). Suppliers in countries with medium risk are examined more than suppliers in countries with low risk. For suppliers in high-risk countries, an audit will be carried out on-site by an external partner.
Based on the evaluation, we then help suppliers to improve their quality and sustainability work.
At the end of 2020, the first audit was carried out at a supplier in a high-risk country. The new process is being introduced for all subsidiaries in Lindab. The goal is to only work with evaluated suppliers classified with low or medium risk.

Investment for reduced energy consumption
Lindab has implemented our largest investment programme in our history. Lindab's ongoing investment program with short pay back times includes approximately 50 projects on Lindab's facilities in Europe. In 2020, we invested SEK 425 million.