Up to 50 sustainability criteria from the quality sections ecology, economy, socio-cultural aspects, technology, process work flows and site are certified. Up to 10 evaluation points are awarded for reaching the target specifications. The DGNB ratings are: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Lindab’s role in DGNB certification
Lindab can help to accumulate points in a range of different areas. There are no “DGNB certified” or “DGNB compliant” building products, the choice of a product is based on how the highest number of points can be achieved in the different areas. Higher scores and ratings can be achieved by selecting our products and constructing air-tight, energy- efficient systems. Our complete product portfolio and associated documentation promote the basis for an optimal solution and a complete final system documentation to the end customer.
Environmental quality – Building life cycle assessment (ENV1.1)
The objective is to ensure a consistent life cycle approach to the planning of buildings in order to reduce emissions-related impacts on the environment and consumption of non-renewable resources to a minimum across all stages in the life of a building.
Lindab have been part of the development for the product-specific rules (PCR) for ventilation products together with EPD Norway and other companies in the ventilation industry. The rules are needed to create comparable EPDs and was published 2021. We are now working to create EPD for the most relevant products. The documents will be available here.
Environmental quality – Local environmental impact (ENV1.2)
The objective is to reduce, avoid or substitute all dangerous or damaging materials, (construction) products or preparations that can adversely affect or cause short, medium or long-term damage to people, flora and fauna.
It is a matter of course for Lindab to provide our customers with information about the content and environmental impact of our products. We have decided to issue building product declarations (BPD) for all key products sold to customers. BPD is a Swedish form for reporting environmental information for construction products. This includes, for example, a detailed list of all ingoing materials and substances, how to recycle the product, and facts about the environmental impact. The information contributes to more conscious product selections, which in turn lead to a better climate both indoors and outdoors. The work on preparing the declarations for our products and registering them is ongoing.
All products with a BPD are assessed by Byggvarubedömingen and SundaHus and are registered in the BASTA database and the Nordic Ecolabel’s Building Materials Database. This verifies that Lindab’s products does not contain any hazardous substances and meet the requirements and guidelines in REACH, the European chemicals regulation. Byggvarubedömningen and SundaHus performs assessments of products based on chemical content, life cycle, and social responsibility. BASTA is a scientifically based self-declaration system with the purpose to phase out substances of concern from building and construction products.
Environmental quality – Sustainable resource extraction (ENV1.3)
The objective is to promote the use of products in buildings and their external installations that are transparent with regard to their environmental and social impacts throughout the value chain and utilise raw materials extraction and processing methods that comply with recognised environmental and social standards.
All of Lindab’s major production units are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. We have decided to issue building product declarations (BPD) for all key products sold to customers. BPD is a Swedish form for reporting environmental information for construction products. This includes, for example, a detailed list of all ingoing materials and substances, how to recycle the product, and facts about the environmental impact. Sections 4 and 5 describe where the largest volume of materials are purchased, what volume of the materials are recycled, and the final country of production. Lindab puts a great emphasis on materials selection and wants to promote the purchase of materials that are sustainable and responsibly manufactured and extracted. We document our work with sustainability in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative, GRI. The report is available for download on our website. Lindab collaborates with suppliers to ensure that conflict minerals are sourced from certified smelters. Using CMRT reports, Lindab helps customers affected by the US Conflict Minerals Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and the Consumer Protection Act of 2010.
Economic quality – Life cycle cost (ECO1.1)
Our objective is sensible and conscious use of economic resources throughout the entire life cycle of a building. In the conception and planning phases of implementation of a building, there are areas of significant optimisation potential for later economic management. The parties involved in the planning process should regularly focus on possible follow-up costs associated with their design and implementation variants from an early stage in the planning phases.
Lindab offers different products and services that assure the quality of the construction project right from the start of the design phase. Our products and systems are of the highest quality, with a major focus on source and materials selection. Today’s functional requirements for modern buildings are always Lindab’s reference point, with the aim of always significantly exceeding the requirements. This applies, for instance, to indoor climate, energy, acoustics, fire protection and, not least, sustainability. Our resources, products, and services can help you with your construction projects both before, during, and after, to create the best conditions for a top-quality sustainable building.
We can support you in the planning and design phase by offering advice based on your conditions:
- Environmental certificates along with other assessments and approvals.
- Design assistance to ensure energy-efficient and optimised ventilation.
- Product selection programs such as LindQST for searching, calculating, and simulating indoor climate products as well as BIM objects in MagiCloud, plug-ins for Revit, and AutoCAD for product quantification and other smart functions.
When the project is up and running, deliveries are on their way, and the installation is being carried out, we can support you with:
- Customised products.
- Deliveries to suit your requirements.
- Packaging according to floors, rooms, etc. using goods labelling.
- Deliveries in clearly marked boxes to make it easier to find the right material on site.
- Smart tools that facilitate handling, to streamline installation, and commissioning.
- Option of joint deliveries of all materials from our central distribution center.
- Short delivery times and increased flexibility with local production/hub.
Sociocultural and functional quality – Thermal comfort (SOC1.1)
The objective is to guarantee thermal comfort throughout winter and summer that is appropriate to the intended use of the building and provides proper comfort to users.
Lindab’s products, our complete range of product selection, and design software, installation references, and well thought-out designs ensure that the desired performance is achieved. The air temperature and air circulation rate in a room depend entirely on the occupancy rate, the air quality, and air temperature requirements along with the concentration of hazardous gases and particles. Lindab Pascal adjusts the air volume and regulates the temperature of the indoor climate, creating a quiet and draught-free environment.
Sociocultural and functional quality – Indoor air quality (SOC1.2)
Our aim is to ensure that indoor air is of sufficient quality not to adversely affect users’ health and well-being.
A good indoor climate has a great impact on how people understand and use information. Indoor air can be five times more polluted than outdoor air. Among the most important design criteria are air flow, draughts, CO2 levels, particle levels, temperature and noise. Lindab’s motto is ”Build tight, ventilate right” which in turn requires FTX-systems; mechanical supply and exhaust air with heat recovery. In this way, the outdoor air can be filtered and cooled or heated while hazardous substances and moisture are removed from the building in an energy- efficient manner. Lindab offers several products that measure air flow with a high degree of accuracy. Visit our website to read, for instance, about: FTCU, VRU and MBB. With the right air flow, draughts, noise levels and particles and CO2 levels are kept to a minimum. The noise level from fans can be further reduced with Lindab’s wide range of quality-assured silencers. This creates the best conditions for the people using the building. Studies have shown that increased air flows reduce sick leave. Our complete ventilation system optimises air flow in an energy-efficient way and means that the people in the building can always breathe fresh air.
Sociocultural and functional quality – User control (SOC1.5)
The objective is to achieve a high level of user satisfaction in the indoor areas within property building. This is why occupants should be provided with the best possible options to control the indoor climate. Aside from the actual conditions in the building, users´ satisfaction also depends on the ability to adjust themselves ventilation, sun and anti-glare protection, temperature and lighting to their individual preferences even beyond the standard settings.
Lindab’s ventilation system is designed to give the building occupants the best experience. For instance, the temperature can be adjusted in every room as well as turned on and off. The ventilation system can be design in different ways to give a lot of different control options in order to suit all types of buildings.
Technical quality – Quality of the building envelope (TEC1.3)
The objective is to minimise the energy demand for room conditioning of buildings while at the same time ensuring high thermal comfort and preventing building damage.
A record number of energy-efficient initiatives have been implemented in the area of climate policy in the past five years. Increased requirements for energy saving and a focus on improved indoor climate leads to demands on new technology and innovation to reduce energy consumption in buildings. Lindab offers tailor-made solutions for each room, resulting in optimal energy use. Lindab Safe is the first air duct system in the world to receive Eurovent certification. This means that you can feel safe with the products you buy as well as being absolutely sure that they maintain high quality and achieve air tightness class D. Our air duct system provides a circulating flow of energy, where almost all of the supplied energy is fed back to the heat exchanger which in turn heats the new supply air.
Lindab’s unique product, UltraLink, takes energy efficiency to a new level. UltraLink is a stable solution that accurately and reliably measures air flow and temperature. It is also easy to read and control the entire ventilation system to maintain an optimal level for both the building and its occupants. Ventilating according to demand is the best option both environmentally and financially, as well as in terms of people’s comfort. Lindab Pascal is an intelligent, demand-controlled ventilation system. The system adjusts the indoor climate by itself in relation to the weather outdoors, and is compatible with both airborne climate systems and waterborne chilled beams.
Technical quality – Use and integration of building technology (TEC1.4)
The objective is to create a building concept with the best possible use of passive systems and incorporation of renewable energy sources for the required technical systems. In addition, the concept intends to ensure that the building can be adjusted to suit changing conditions of use or technical developments with the lowest possible effort, and that the technical systems used are integrated into the district.
Lindab Safe system is easy to rebuild and change, as long as new products follows the same dimension standard; EN 1506. CADvent, a plug-in for MagiCAD, helps the constructor to recalculate the airflows for the new system in an easy and effective way. Lindab’s control system, UltraLink and Pascal, is easy to update and reprogram to suit new technology or a new design of the building.
Technical quality – Ease of cleaning building components (TEC1.5)
The objective is to implement structural and technical measures to reduce the cost and effort required for cleaning.
To maintain the high performance and quality of the system it’s important to inspect and clean regularly. Lindab has a wide range of duct access doors for both circular and rectangular systems. The standard EN 12097 Ventilation for buildings - Requirements for ductwork components to facilitate maintenance of ductwork systems guides you how to design the system in the best way.
Technical quality – Ease of recovery and recycling (TEC1.6)
The objective is to ensure highly economical and efficient use of natural resources. Accordingly, we promote solutions that enable pre-existing value to be made reusable with a minimum of loss. In accordance with our goal of reducing the amount of primary resources required for construction and maintenance of buildings to virtually nothing, we strive to create a strategy to increase the current level of material efficiency – the purpose of which is to enable materials to be recycled with effectively no losses, in conjunction with a significant reduction in the materials used.
Lindab offers customised products and flexible transportation options to minimise waste. In addition, products are as much as possible packaged in the same boxes, to reduce the amount of packaging materials. All packaging materials are recyclable and Lindab’s cardboard boxes contain up to 97.5% recycled material. Of the steel that Lindab uses, around 20 percent comes from recycled sources and this is increasing all the time.
Many of our products consist of only a few materials and are often easy to disassemble, which means that each material can be recycled efficiently. Lindab has decided to issue building product declarations (BPD) for all key products sold to customers. BPD is a Swedish form for reporting environmental information for construction products. This includes, for example, a detailed list of all ingoing materials and substances and facts about the environmental impact. Section 10 describes our recommendations for waste management. The products are mainly made of steel, which can be recycled and is currently one of the most recycled materials in the world.